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8 分鐘 05 秒

8' 05''


香港仔飲食集團今日(20日)表示,事件中未有任何船員受傷,但由於事發地點水深超過1,000米, 擬進行打撈工程亦非常困難,現正向拖船公司進一步了解事故詳情。​


- 香港獨立媒體 / 2022-06-20

Translated Version

"The Jumbo Restaurant departed from Hong Kong last Tuesday (14th) and today announced that it will never return. The Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises stated that on Saturday (18th) afternoon, the seafood boat encountered rough seas near the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea. The boat tilted and took on water. The tugboat company attempted to assist, but their efforts were unsuccessful. By the following day, the boat was fully submerged, capsized, and sank. The group expressed sorrow over the incident and their reluctance to part with the floating restaurant.

Today (20th), the Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises stated that no crew members were injured in the incident. However, due to the location of the incident, with water depths exceeding 1,000 meters, salvage operations would be extremely difficult. The group is currently seeking further details of the accident from the tugboat company.

The Jumbo Restaurant, located in Aberdeen, Hong Kong, opened in 1976 and ceased operations in March 2020 due to a sharp decline in customer numbers. In her 2020 Policy Address, Chief Executive Carrie Lam proposed "Dynamic South Island," and the owners agreed at the time to donate the seafood boat to Ocean Park. The government also expressed its support for revitalizing the boat in a non-profit manner, but this plan ultimately fell through. Carrie Lam earlier stated that she would not "force it." The floating restaurant was subsequently arranged to be towed from Hong Kong to Southeast Asia for maintenance."

- Hong Kong In-media / 20 Jun 2022